SIXS (Surface Interface X-ray Scattering) is a wide-energy range (5-20 keV) beamline dedicated to structural characterization of interfaces (gas-solid, solid-solid or solid-liquid), as well as nano-objects in controlled environments by means of surface-sensitive x-rayscattering techniques, such as:

- Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXD),

- Crystal Truncation Rods (CTR),

- Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS),

-  Anomalous Surface X-ray Scattering,

- X-ray Reflectivity (XRR) ,

- Coherent Diffraction,

- Magnetic Surface X-ray Scattering (in the near future).

There are two experimental end-stations: the first station, MED (Multi-Environment Diffractometer) can accommodate various sample environments, such as high-pressure reactivity chambers, electrochemical cells, Langmuir troughs. The second station, UHV is based on a diffractometer coupled to a stationary assembly of UHV chambers; it is a unique design, and consists of an assembly of three chambers equipped with the standard UHV tools (evaporators, ion-guns, etc.) and allows the samples to be characterized by diiferent methods, such as Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES).

Beamline Energy Resolution
1 * 10-4 [meV] @ 10 [eV]
Beamline Resolving Power
1 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 20000 [eV]
Beamline Energy Range
5 - 25 [keV]
Max Flux On Sample
4 * 1013 [ph/s] @ 6 [eV]
3 * 1012 [ph/s] @ 15 [eV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
30 - 1600 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
30 - 800 [um]
COATI Alessandro
VLAD Alina
RESTA Andrea
  • Crystallography
  • Surface diffraction
Emission or Reflection
  • Reflectrometry
  • Coherent scattering
  • Elastic scattering
  • Magnetic scattering
  • Small angle scattering
  • Wide angle scattering
  • Catalysis
  • Electrochemistry
  • Femtochemistry, solid- and liquid-state chemistry
  • Nanophysics & physics of confined matter
  • Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • Python
Data Output Type
  • spectra, images
Data Output Format
  • Nexus
Softwares For Data Analysis
  • Python, Igor, ANA-ROD