BL 11.2 C - XRD2

XRD2 is a dedicated beamline for macromolecular crystallography resulted from a joint project between ELETTRA - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. and the Indian Institute of Science (IIS) -  Bangalore (India). The XRD2 beamline exploits a Super Conducting multipole Wiggler (SCW) as X-rays photon source.

XRD2 is dedicated to high throughput protein crystallography experiments: large tunable energy range (starting from 8.0 keV and extending to more than 20.0 keV) for SAD/MAD experiments, automated sample mounting in cryogenic environment and high speed large area detector are among some of the important features of this beamline.


Beamline Energy Resolution
1 * 10-4 [meV]
Beamline Energy Range
8 - 35 [keV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
20 - 100 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
20 - 100 [um]
Photon Sources

Super Conducting multipole Wiggler


Operation Modes

User operations can be either in person or from remote with samples mailed-in. A considerable number of users now operate from remote.

Remote Experiments
XRD2 has been geared up for remote experiments since mid-2020, with an automated robotic sample changer and a browser based interface to screen crystals and collect data. This was essential during COVID restrictions when the beamline was kept operational.

Mail-in Service Available
Users regularly mail-in their samples to the beamline, the samples are loaded onto the sample changer by one of the beamline scientists and the users remotely load the sample to the diffractometer, screen them and collect data.

Nicola Demitri
Raghurama Prabhakara Hegde
  • Crystallography
  • Crystallography (biological macromolecules)
  • Powder diffraction
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • Tango Controls, MXCuBE3, SynchWeb , H5-Braggy
Data Output Type
  • images
Data Output Format
  • cbf
Softwares For Data Analysis
  • XDS, autoPROC, FastDP, DIMPLE, CCP4, Phenix