ID10 is a multi-purpose, high-brilliance undulator beamline.
Endstation EH1 is for high-resolution X-ray scattering and surface diffraction on liquid and solid interfaces, combining multiple techniques in a single instrument.
Endstation EH2 is for coherent small-angle X-ray scattering, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and coherent diffraction.
The main features of the beamline are:
EH1-SI (Soft Interfaces):
- high-resolution scattering instrumentation for horizontal and vertical scattering geometry
- X-ray beam deflector for scattering from liquids (Qz < 2.4 Å-1)
- energy-tunability: 7 keV < E < 24 keV with Si(111) and 12 keV < E < 30 keV with Si(311)
- Liquid nitrogen cooled Silicon (111) or (311) crystal channel cut monochromator (intrinsic energy resolution ΔE/E: 1.4*10 -4 and 2.7*10 -5, respectively)
- double-mirror setup for a strong suppression of higher harmonics.
EH2-CS (Coherent Scattering):
- High-resolution instrumentation for horizontal scattering geometries (SAXS to WAXS)
- Possibility of grazing incidence scattering from liquid surfaces
- Large energy-tunability (7 keV < E < 24 keV)
- Water cooled Silicon (111) crystal pseudo channel cut monochromators
(intrinsic energy resolution
E/E : 1.4*10-4)
- High coherent flux (> 1010 ph/sec/100mA in a 10x10 µm2 beamspot,
E/E = 1.4*10-4)
- Specialized for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) experiments (7 keV < E < 13 keV)
- Optimized for coherent small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) (7 keV < E < 24 keV), X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) and coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CXDI) (7 keV < E < 10 keV)
- "Pink" beam option (
E/E = 1-3%) (available from January 2013)